
Gain Special Ideas To Embellish Your Chocolates Gifts From Chocolates Creations Of ChoCo

Today is Valentine’s Day; most ladies may have received or will receive chocolates. But as one kind of gift, chocolate is so common that it is not enough to arouse her feelings only if it is specially designed and packed. In the recent Abu Dhabi Bride Show, there are exhibited with some unique-designed chocolates which are greatly blending with some fashion elements.

These distinctive chocolates are brought by the international manufacturer and retailer of chocolate products and confectionery – ChoCo. The articles are completely embodied with the sense of both aesthetic and daintiness. Can hardly wait to have a look at them? Follow me.
The first creation is a wedding cake hat which features three layers of the red and white cake. Next is an electric blue Hermes birkin bag. Most people maybe fooled by the photo and think that it is a real item from Hermes house. But it is just a chocolate product. From the whole design and every detail decoration including the lock and the scarf wrapped around it, the item looks virtually identical to the Hermes authentic birkin bag. I think few people have the heart to put it into the mouth.

There is also a piece of fashionable accessory for women – a dress wholly embellished by colorful macarons. The piece decorating with unique chocolate design is also the eye-catching item in the show. I have to mention the white gown which is assembles across by the delicacies like truffles, macaron chocolates and flowers. The temptation of feminine beauty and delicacies is surely irresistible charming.

It is a pity that these chocolate creations are designed exclusively for the show but not for the sale. However, wise you can gain some special decoration ideals from these creations, and embellish your own chocolate with some sweet and unique design to please your sweet heart.

More special Valentine’s Day gift on a fashion blog .

